The procedure of Vastu starts from plot selection. It is very necessary to follow vastu tips for plot size in order to have the foundation of a home that would foster good vibrations. There are occurrences when people find complications with the plot after making the eventual purchase.

The selection of a plot in compliance with vastu is very important since the plot represents a fixed form, that will radiate positive as well as negative energies depending on its location, orientation, shape, slope and soil quality. While selecting a plot these five major points are to be kept in mind. Normally a Vastu Expert is not involved at the time of buying a plot. But as a Vastu Expert, I would suggest that it is good to involve one, at the time of selecting a plot, as his inputs could be very valuable in deciding the right site. Generally, the guidelines by a Vastu Expert will by default be in accordance with Vastu Shastra. If you already own a plot for construction of house or office, you should still refer to the Vastu tips for plot size prescribed for the selection of suitable plot.

In the Selection of a plot, the following Vastu tips should be looked into. Most of these tips are based on scientific reasoning and few on common sense.

Some important Vastu tips for plot size:

1. Shape of the plot

Plots with irregular shapes must be avoided. Preference should be given to plots with a rectangular and square shape. These are optimistic from the point of Vastu and are said to bring prosperity and happiness.

  • Plot-shape- The plot should only be bought only after studying the direction. They come out to be auspicious if direction is in compliance with vastu tips for plot size.
  • Shapes to be avoided: Circular shape, oval shape plot, semi-circular shape should be avoided at all costs.
  • Roads hitting your plot: It is very important to understand the equation between the roads connecting to your plot.
See also  Top 15 Vastu Dosh Remedies

2. Good site

  • A good plot in compliance with vastu tips for plot size is a one where the incoming road is from the east and hits the northeast part of the plot or where the incoming road is from the north and hits the northeast part of the plot.

3. Not a bad site

  • It is ok to have a plot where the incoming road is from the West and hits the North- West part of the plot or where the incoming road is from the South and hits the South- East part of the plot.

4. A bad site

According to the vastu tips for plot size, following are the directions that should be avoided at all costs:

  • When the incoming road is from the west and hits the southwest part of the plot.
  • When the incoming road is from the east and hits the southeast part of the plot.
  • When the incoming road is from the north and hits the northwest part of the plot.
  • When the incoming road is from the south and hits the southwest part of the plot.

5. Surroundings of the plot

While selecting a plot, it is very important to have a look at the surroundings of your plot.

  • First, one should ensure that no temple is present near the plot. There should be a good distance between the two. It is because temple carries negative energies of the followers.
  • Second, to see is that no tree should be placed near the plot as you will need government’s permission in order to remove it.
  • Third, vastu tips for plot size suggests you to look out for the presence of power pole. Power pole in the northeast corner is a serious Vastu Dosha as this direction is the place for water and having a power pole at such a place can turn out to be very dangerous. Also, there are no issues in case the power pole is placed in the southern direction.